Works from Michael Riley‘s earliest series of conceptual photographs, Sacrifice, are included in Everywhen: The Eternal Present in Indigenous Art from Australia at Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge. The exhibition, curated by Stephen Gilchrist, “surveys contemporary Indigenous art from Australia, exploring the ways in which time is embedded within Indigenous artistic, social, historical, and philosophical life. For Indigenous people, the past is understood to be part of a cyclical and circular order known as the “everywhen”; conceptions of time rely on active encounters with both the ancestral and natural worlds. While the exhibition focuses on the last 40 years of Indigenous art, it also includes historical objects from the rich collections of Harvard University’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology to underscore both the continuity of cultural practice and remarkable adaptive innovations.” Exhibition dates: 05/02/16 – 18/09/16.

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Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website contains images of people who have passed away.
Copyright ©2024 Michael Riley: Aboriginal Australia Photographer. Unauthorised usage is a violation of international copyright law