The Commercial presents an exhibition of Estate prints of Michael Riley’s important but little-seen, early photographic portrait series, A common place: Portraits of Moree Murries. The fifteen portraits offer a privileged insight into the Aboriginal community in Riley’s mother’s town of Moree in 1990. They are portraits of elders, artists, activists, family and friends. Together, the individuals portrayed provide an index to the overtly legislated and covertly ingrained discrimination against Aboriginal people in a nationally-prominent rural community as well as to the integrity of individuals who, through their own efforts and strong will to overcome such obstacles in their own lives and in the lives of their people, have contributed in both large and small ways to the correction of the imbalance of myriad inequities. Exhibition dates: 10/06/16 – 23/07/16

A different dynamic has taken hold at the state level, with education issues getting a relatively large amount of attention in states such as california, indiana, massachusetts, north carolina, and oklahoma
Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website contains images of people who have passed away.
Copyright ©2025 Michael Riley: Aboriginal Australia Photographer. Unauthorised usage is a violation of international copyright law