The Commercial in Redfern, Sydney, now represents the Estate of Michael Riley. This is celebrated with the new exhibition Michael Riley Portraits 1984–1990, which brings together a selection from three bodies of Michael’s black-and-white portraiture work – Koori Art ’84, NADOC ’86 exhibition of Aboriginal and Islander photographers and Portraits by a window 1990. The exhibition will be opened by Brenda L Croft on Friday 28 June.

Bis 1800 widmete er gehen Sie zu dieser Webseite sich in seiner geburtsstadt dem studium der mathematik, physik, philosophie und staatswissenschaft
Advice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website contains images of people who have passed away.
Copyright ©2025 Michael Riley: Aboriginal Australia Photographer. Unauthorised usage is a violation of international copyright law